Coverslips for cell culture
Neuvitro Corporation owns the leading technology to provide professional coating with the broadest coverage of substrates, such as PDL, PLL, PLO, Collagen, Gelatin, Laminin, Fibronectin, PDL+Laminin, PDL + Fibronectin, PLO+Laminin, PLO+Fibronectin, PDL+Laminin+Fibronectin, etc. The majority of coated German coverslips available from Electron Microscopy Science, ThermoFisher Scientific, and VWR is actually manufactured by Neuvitro Corporation. Free samples are available.

List of coverslips for cell culture (1/2 year storage life)
Why use coverslips for cell culture is better than plates and slides?
It is well known that optically clear German coverslips is required to generate crystal clear confocal imaging. Why? The answers are:
Cells attached directly on optically clear coverslip which minimizes the distance between cells and the objective lens so that 60x and 100x objective lens can be used for imaging.
The distortion of mount medium is avoided because there is no gap between cultured cells and the objective lens. Mount medium liquid is otherwise required to fill the gap between cells and coverslips if the culture were made on slides or multiwell plates.
Coverslips provide freedom of experiment setup to fit any pattern as your wish.
The importance of coating coverslips for cell culture
Cells do not like glass surface. Most cells attach coverslips loosely and detach from coverslip during after culture processes, such IHC staining. Therefore, a clear layer of cell culture substrate must be used to enhance cell culture attachment on coverslips.
The type of coating coverslips for cell culture
Cells are not all the same. Different cells need different culture substrate. Neuvitro is now the only manufacturer in the world capable of providing the broadest range of cell culture substrates, as you can see from the list below:
1.5H 0.170mm +/- 5um High Precision German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Polyethyleneimine (PEI) is a high strength cell attachment factor for cell culture
Poly-D-Lysine (PDL) coated German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Poly-L-Lysine (PLL) coated German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Rat tail Collagen I coated German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Mouse Laminin coated (on PDL layer) German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Poly-L-Ornithine Laminin coated German coverslips for stem cell culture-imaging
Fibronectin coated (on PDL layer) German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Gelatin coated German coverslips for cell culture-imaging
Treated cleaned German glass coverslips with no coating, sterile, ready to use
Round shape German glass coverslips with no coating no treatment for cell culture
Rectangular shape German glass coverslips with no coating no treatment for cell culture
Round shape German glass coverslips for IHC
Rectangular shape German glass coverslips for IHC
Consistancy is critical for image data analysis:
Culture variation is a major problem of invalided data leading to failure of solid conclusion. With Neuvitro advanced coating technology, every single pieces of coverslips were coated uniformly and consistantly to minimize your cell culture variation. Therefore, Neuvitro coverslips can be used as cell culture control in data analysis.
Examples using Neuvitro coverslips for cell culture:
April 30, 2015,
Research Article
Reversible centriole depletion with an inhibitor of Polo-like kinase 4
Semin Oncol. 2014 Feb;41(1):93-100. doi: 10.1053/j.seminoncol.2013.12.007. Epub 2013 Dec 12.
Chemotherapy and targeted therapeutics as maintenance of response in advanced non-small cell lung cancer.
Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2014 Jan;6(1):4-15. doi: 10.1177/1758834013510589.
Maintenance treatment after induction therapy in non-small cell lung cancer: latest evidence and clinical implications.
Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2013 Dec;14(4):595-609. doi: 10.1007/s11864-013-0255-3.
Bevacizumab in advanced NSCLC: chemotherapy partners and duration of use
Cancer Res. 2014 Jun 13.
Germline Mutation of Bap1 Accelerates Development of Asbestos-Induced Malignant Mesothelioma.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2013 Apr;61(4):311-7. doi: 10.1097/FJC.0b013e318280e16e.
Sulfur-containing angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 3-thienylalanine-ornithyl-proline activates endothelial function and expression of genes involved in Renin-Angiotensin system.
Cancer Res. 2014 Mar 1;74(5):1390-403. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-1275.
LIMD2 is a small LIM-only protein overexpressed in metastatic lesions that regulates cell motility and tumor progression by directly binding to and activating the integrin-linked kinase.
Cell Tissue Res. 2014 May 28.
MicroRNA-dependent genetic networks during neural development.
Oxford Journals Volume 23 Issue I, P145-156
Research Article
Hexokinase activity is required for recruitment of parkin to depolarized mitochondria
Cancer Research, June 1, 2014
Fatty acid-binding protein E-FABP restrcts tumor growth by promoting IFN-b responses in tumor-associated macrophages
1.5H high performance coverslips
Molecular Reproduction and Development
Volume 81, Issue 12
Kpna7 interacts with egg-specific nuclear factors in the rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)
BMC Immunology,
May 12, 2015
Research Article
Targeting epidermal fatty acid binding protein for treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Journal of Cell Biology
2014, 206: 923-936
Research Article
A matrix metallopreteinase mediates long-distance attenuation of stem cell proliferation
Article #6211, doi: 10.1038, Sept 5 2014
Optical assay of erythrocyte function in banked blood
May 15, 2015,
Scientific report
Number of nanoparticles per cell through a spectrophotometric method- A key parameter to assess nanoparticle-based cellular assays
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
Feb. 6, 2015
Research Article
4E-BPs control fat storage by regulating the expresion of Egr1 and ATGL
EMBO-Molecular Systems Biology
2014, 206: 923-936
Research Article
Systems-wide analysis of BCR signalosomes and downstream phosphorylation and ubiquitylation
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
May 26, 2015
Research Article
Microglia regulate blood clearance in subarachnoid hemorrhage by heme oxygenase 1
Molecular Biology of The Cell
June 30, 2014
Research Article
FUS is sequestered in nuclear aggregates in ALS patient fibroblasts
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research
The Journal of Clinical Investigation
April 27 , 2015,
Research Article
Microglia regulate blood clearance in subarachnoid hemorrhage by heme oxygenase-1
May 20, 2015,
Research Article
Topiramete protects pericytes from glucotoxicity: Rle for mitochondrial CA VA in cerebromicrovascular disease in diabetes
Jan 28, 2015
Special report
Adhesion and activation of Platelets from subjects with coronary artery disease and apparently healthy individuals on biomaterials
Molecular Cellular Biology
doi: 10.1128 / MCB.01630-13
Research Article
Activation of stress response pathways promote formation of antiviral granules and restrct virus replication
Journal of Cell Biology
2014, 204: 559-573
Research Article
Aggregation state determines the localization and function of M1-and M23-aquaporin-4 in astrocytes
November, 2014
Marking cells with infrared fluorescent proteins to preserve photoresponsiveness in the retina
Volume 66, Issue 3, 1 April 2014, Pages 370–379
Developmental Biology
Preparation of developing Xenopus muscle for sarcomeric protein localization by high-resolution imaging
Journal of Marine Biology
Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 769356, 11 pages
Research Article
The Immune Response of Acanthaster planci to Oxbile Injections and Antibiotic Treatment
Am J Cancer Res 2013;3(3):278-289 /ISSN:2156-6976/ajcr0000201
The C-terminal common to group 3 POTES (CtG3P): a
newly discovered nucleolar marker associated with
malignant progression and metastasis
Nature America Inc. •
Molecular breeding of carotenoidbiosynthetic pathways
J Biol Chem. Apr 11, 2014; 289(15): 10930–10938.
Published online Feb 25, 2014. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.533216
PMCID: PMC4036204
The DDN Catalytic Motif Is Required for Metnase Functions in Non-homologous End Joining (NHEJ) Repair and Replication Restart
Transl Psychiatry. Nov 2013; 3(11): e323.
Published online Nov 5, 2013. doi: 10.1038/tp.2013.96
PMCID: PMC3849963
Derivation of neural stem cells from an animal model of psychiatric disease
Experimental and Molecular Pathology
Available online 30 July 2014
In Press
Systemic distribution, subcellular localization and differential expression of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors in benign and malignant human tissues
Journal of Advanced Research
Available online 22 May 2014
In Press
Expression, genetic localization and phylogenic analysis of NAPlr in piscine Streptococcus dysgalactiae subspecies dysgalactiae isolates and their patterns of adherence
ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE Front. Immunol., 17 September 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00287
Th1/M1 conversion to Th2/M2 responses in models of inflammation lacking cell death stimulates maturation of monocyte precursors to fibroblasts
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Marine Biology
Volume 2014, Article ID 769356, 11 pages
Research Article
The Immune Response of Acanthaster planci to
Oxbile Injections and Antibiotic Treatment
McMaster University © by Dipannita Basu, July 2013
J CARDIOVASC PHARMACOL THER 2013 18: 280 originally published online 14 December 2012
Probenecid as a Noninjurious Positive Inotrope in an Ischemic Heart Disease Murine Model
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
August 2014
Date: 05 Aug 2014
Motor Neuron Differentiation from Pluripotent Stem Cells and Other Intermediate Proliferative Precursors that can be Discriminated by Lineage Specific Reporters poly-d-lysine coating coverslips
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Research Article
Cationic Lipsomes as efficient nanocarriers for the drug delivery of an anticancer cholesterol-based ruthenium complex
Carroll College Natural Sciences Department
Helena, Montana
Exploring the Role of Olfm1 in the Trafficking of GluR2- containing AMPA Receptors
J Neurosci. May 22, 2013; 33(21): 9169–9175.
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0301-13.2013
The SNARE proteins SNAP25 and synaptobrevin are involved in endocytosis at hippocampal synapses
Nature Communications 5, Article number: 3356 doi:10.1038/ncomms4356
Post-fusion structural changes and their roles in exocytosis and endocytosis of dense-core vesicles
Nat Commun. 2014 Jun 17;5:4112. doi: 10.1038/ncomms5112.
Senescence impairs direct conversion of human somatic cells to neurons.
More leteratures
Nat Neurosci. 2014 Feb;17(2):232-9. doi: 10.1038/nn.3615. Epub 2014 Jan 5.
Presynaptic glycine receptors as a potential therapeutic target for hyperekplexia disease.
J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2014;12:889-897
Optimal First-Line and Maintenance Treatments for Advanced-Stage Nonsquamous Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer